8. cbtr-init

This executable binary takes a browsers YAML file as input and outputs a cross-browser-tests-runner test settings file.

8.1. Usage

$ ./node_modules/.bin/cbtr-init [--help|-h] [--input|-i <browsers-yaml-file>] [--output|-o <cbtr-settings-file>]
 input             .cbtr-browsers.yml in project root
 output            cbtr.json in project root

 help              print this help
 input             input data of browsers to use in a compact format
 output            cross-browser-tests-runner settings file

8.2. Defaults

As can be seen in the usage section above, defaults can be used for command line parameters.

Parameter Default value
-i|--input .cbtr-browsers.yml file in root directory of your project
-o|--output cbtr.json file in root directory of your project