4. Status

4.1. Integrations

Platform JS - Testem JS - Native Runner Selenium

4.2. JS Frameworks supported by Native Runner

Unit Testing Framework
Jasmine 1.x

4.3. Supported Node.js Versions

Node version Linux OS X Windows

NOTE: v6.9.0 is the minimum version for Selenium tests and core Selenium functionality has been verified on this version. For the sake of time, v6 is not part of CI builds currently, and would be included later.

4.4. Minimum Node.js Versions

Platform JS - Testem JS - Native Runner Selenium
BrowserStack v4.8.5+✗ v5.x.x v4.8.5+ v6.9.0+
SauceLabs v6.9.0+ v6.9.0+ v6.9.0+
CrossBrowserTesting v4.8.5+✗ v5.x.x v4.8.5+ v6.9.0+